Dates and times
Officially, these are Contender bush snap garden beans, and they were planted like practically everything else on May 24th. The first bean was picked on July 11th, one week before they were scheduled to produce, based on the seed packet.
Keep or Lose?
These plants were pretty small, and I think that's mostly because they needed better soil. Planted in an area of the Farm that had more mulch and old tree stump than soil, it's kind of amazing that they grew as well as they did. That being said, the approximately 8 plants were far too few for 3 eaters who love to eat green beans. I'm going to keep these, same variety and all
,,,Changes for 2009
Way more plants. Possibly 25 might do it, but H really loves green beans, so maybe not... And of course, lots and lots of compost.
Running planting list for 2009
Wando peas
Provider green beans