Friday, May 30, 2008


Maisy and I trudged over to the farm this morning for three reasons:
1) to survey our Lands and Bounty (see right)
2) to acquire wire cutters from N to install the mini-chuck barrier this afternoon as a treat for working
3) to take a photo of the mint apple plant for a new post called "RIP Mint Apple," eulogy already written.

So imagine my surprise when we got to the garden and not only was the mint apple plant alive and kicking, but also THINGS ARE STARTING TO SPROUT!!!

Two types of lettuce:

What may be the first spinach seeding:

It's a surprise around every corner, folks. Never underestimate the farm!

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 62F
Yesterday's low: 52F
Warnings: More thunderstorms on the way...
Mood of the farm: SPROUTING!
Reason to consider a new career: writing a eulogy for a plant. before it is officially dead.


Anonymous said...

in the pictures you need some overalls to go with the garden and masiy needs a pick and a howe!

H.Maxwell said...

Don't discount the power of fresh rain on a struggling plant! Three cheers for the apple mint plant making it for now until it makes it into my DRINK! :)