Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hey Look At These!

These little things are quickly becoming my favorite thing that's growing on the farm. Suburban Gardener gave them to me last year, and I was sure I killed them in the transplanting process, but apparently not. If memory serves (and I'm almost sure that it doesn't), Suburban Gardener's sister dug these up in the woods somewhere, and they're some kind of forrest elf delicacy... Um, yeah. Turns out I don't really remember what they are. I want to say garlic onions, but that seems weird (obviously). SG--a little help?

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 67F
Yesterday's low: 32F
Warnings: Everyone's on pea shoot alert.
Mood of the farm: Growing under ground, I hope!


N.M. LaVoi said...

garlic chives....I think?

Farmer G said...

nope! the garlic chives are on the other side of the green onions. these were never really above ground last year...

s. gardener said...

FG you are correct, my sister-Deb, called them garlic onions. They were dug up from the forest regions of Indiana, north of Indy. Now, my sister is a pretty smart gal, but I cannot vouch for the source of her naming knowledge. When you pull them out after they are done growing, they do have a bulb on them, which makes them seem oniony. We will all look forward to the photos of the completed veggie