There is a serious Threat of Rain for the Farm tomorrow. And not just any kind of rain. We're talking about the one inch (double what we've had all month!) pouring down with thunder and lightning and possibly hail--all the stuff that keeps baby seedlings up with worry at night. Baby seedlings, Farmers. Same difference... Anyway! Since the rain is coming whether I pitch a tent on the farm and tend to the seedlings or not, I thought I would take some glamor shots of the spouts, so we have a pre-storm record. If you are not a farmer/gardener, you might find these pictures boring. I, however, have been staring at them like a new mama stares at her infant. They're beautiful. Just sayin...
And let's not forget the dainty Farm Dog, caught mid-sniff to her left, just after getting off her leash and ROLLING in a DEAD ANIMAL. And plenty of dirty to go along with it. Good news = she was not hard to catch.
Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 71F
Yesterday's low: 44F
Warnings: Threat of Rain
Mood of the farm: Growing in its own merry way
We're Growin' Up Fast Moment: Baby indoor seedlings to begin the hardening off process...TODAY! Two hours on the shaded, but windy screened-in porch, then back to the comfort and safety of the overprotective, doting Farmer. My babies are growing up!
Look at all the leafage on those baby peas! Glamorous indeed!
Ayeee! Here's hoping they pull through. This should be on Storm Stories. Maybe you should give them tiny bathtubs to cling to while the storm races past.
- Anonymous K
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