Friday, August 1, 2008

Aftermath on the Farm

Well, here's some of the wreckage from Wednesday's antics. I know the zucchini looks giant, but before antics, it didn't really rest on the ground like that.

A closeup of the damage. But also, luckily, of lots of new flowers and leaves ready to go.

The watermelon, too, seems to have suffered a few torn leaves, but all in all, survived just fine.

In some good news, here are the Lemon Boys. The first picture is from the plant with the smaller tomatoes--the second picture has the big ones. Is it just me, or if you squint your eyes just right can you see the slightest hint of yellow in that second picture......

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 85F
Yesterday's low: 64F
Warnings: Dog owner can't keep her dog on a leash
Mood of the farm: Healing
Reason to consider a new career: I'm thinking I should be focusing my energy on dog management...

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