Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fair Predictives

Here's what I need to get done at the State Fair this week, in case you were wondering:

-french fries
-Dairy Barn ice cream (this could conceivably be replaced by vanilla ice cream with lingonberry sauce if necessary due to location constraints)
-corn on the cob x at least 2
-Sweet Martha's cookies
-Big Fat Bacon (if you don't know, this is 1/3 lb of bacon that is caramelized, fried, and drizzled with maple syrup. on a stick.)

-admire the seeds and crop art
-get my picture taken on a tractor (I don't know if this is possible, but I'd like to try)
-have a look at the prize winning vegetables
-admire and contemplate the possibility of preserves
-learn all there is to learn in the Agricultural Building
-talk to a real farmer
-check for advice about how to prepare crops when there is a threat of frost (practical application coming soon, unfortunately)

-WATCH SOMETHING BEING BORN. The fair will be a complete waste if I do not accomplish this objective.
-see the fattest pig
-figure out if there really is a dog building, or if N was just giving me a hard time

-visit the MPR booth and acquire stickers
-not get trampled in a sea of white people with blond hair
-visit the DFL booth and be smart enough to give them a fake phone number if I need to sign up for something
-pace myself on the food front so I do not actually explode
-send picture messages to all the people missing out on the Great Minnesota Get Together
-heckle the disgusting things Minnesotans eat (Scotch egg, anyone?)
-see Brandi C.

It's a lot to do in only two trips, but I'm very determined.

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 73F
Yesterday's low: 57F
Warnings: Low tonight in the 40s!
Mood of the farm: Bundling up.


Anonymous said...

I can't even tell you how jealous I am of your Fair schedule! I will say that I am participating in getting the walking-around-all-day sunburn tradition of the Fair here in Guatemala. However, I was walking around buildings that were built in the 1500s that are still in use which is just so crazy to even contemplate. Have a great time and if you have any extra space, have a turkey sandwich from the booth next to the all-you-can-drink milk for me.

p.s. Carmelized bacon is about the yummiest thing ever, although I'm a little skeptical about the maple syrup drizzle. If you don't get the chance to eat it at the Fair, we'll have to go have some at the Lexington when I get back.


Aimee said...

A couple things.
1. There is indeed a dog building (the "Pet Center"). On Thursday there was a bunch of huskies doing agility stuff and then some golden retrievers and pugs inside. Also there's a live veterinary surgery sometimes that you can watch...sounds right up your alley.
2. I believe there's an "Ask the Gardener" table by the veggies in the Ag building. Maybe you should work there?