Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You Didn't Think I'd Forget, Did You?

Hey it's Wednesday! And I have a smorgasboard of pictures for you. I may be busy with school- and fair-related activities, but I'm not going to neglect my Farm Blog duties, fear not.

First, how bout a MiniChuck's Eye View of the Farm? It's rapidly changing. You can't fully tell in this picture, but the tomatoes are a real situation. Not the yellow ones--they're growing small and fine. But the Sweet 100s grew WAY taller than the cages, and then started to fall over. Those branches then got tangled with the branches of their neighbors, and now they're all pulling each other down. There's a larger social message there. But anyway. I'm hoping those plants can make it through the summer--they still have amazing amounts of green tomatoes on them. Also, see how the zucchini looks a little naked? The squash borers really got busy this week, and about half of the plant died. The cukes as well, though relatively healthy, seem to have decided that producing male flowers is highly overrated, which is annoying because there are a lot of female flowers on there waiting to be pollinated...

And now for some Fair-related pics. How about a little liberal political crop art? That's right people, it's made out of seeds, and it hates on Republicans.

And finally, how bout a picture of the farmer and the farm consumers, eagerly anticipating the Brandi Carlile show?

Okay, must get ready for the Fair (again!!) with Dr. J and Dr. Corncobb. Report to follow.

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 80F
Yesterday's low: 55F
Warnings: It actually rained last night. As in water, real life water, fell out of the sky. That's supposed to happen again tonight.
Mood of the farm: Enjoying life without the parched feeling
Reason to consider a new career: Unless there's a career involving full-time-fair-goer-and-miracle-of-birth-center-watcher, I'll stick with what I have, thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a social message in the zucchini flower situation too, I think. Nice crop art. I love that special blend of Minnesota liberalism and painstaking craftiness. McSame spelled out in quinoa. Pretty sure Brandi Carlile is Melissa Ferrick and Cher's lovechild.

- Anonymous K