Wednesday, August 20, 2008

PhantomMiniChuck's Eye View

The MiniChuck family has been gone long enough that it appears they may be gone for the summer. Funny how you can miss something that once instilled so much fear in this farmer (remember the hissing and staring down?)...

Anyway, changes on the farm this week: One fewer zucchini plant, the rest of the lettuce pulled, watermelon taking over, tomato plants about to fall down they're so tall and full of tomatoes. Also, the sunflower is growing like gangbusters so the angle of this picture is slightly different in order to get a full view of the farm. And if you look really closely, you just might see the yellow tomato.
Like your peep shows to involve less work? Here you go:

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 88F
Yesterday's low: 65F
Warnings: The tomatoes are starting to wrestle with each other. No really.
Mood of the farm: Cheering on that yellow tomato!
Reason to consider a new career: If that Lemon Boy tomato tastes as good as I think it will, not a single one...

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