Saturday, June 7, 2008

MiniChuck Antics

Friends. There has been another MiniChuck sighting, which coincided with a piece in the New York Times (read it here) about the Trials of small, community farmers in dealing with a variety of wildlife pests. Actually, they weren't really Trials, because most of those folks felt like killing small animals was No Big Deal (the squirrel-drowning lady really crossed a line, as far as I'm concerned).

Anyway, this brings me to the latest adventures of MiniChuck. Imagine my surprise when I got an email from N Wednesday morning, with an official MiniChuck sighting. N was making coffee, and spied MiniChuck out of the kitchen window. Clearly, MiniChuck has no brains, because anyone with brains knows not to interact in any way with N before she's had her coffee. Which is why the cat and the dog were both sound asleep. So N runs upstairs to get the camera to document this event, and on her way back down, Girlie Cat wakes up and meows. MiniChuck, it turns out, fears Girlie's vicious guard-cat meow (too bad Maisy isn't similarly afflicted), and turned tail to scurry away. N acquired the following evidence of the scurrying away:

Before we get on with the story, let's clear this up. This photo makes MiniChuck look a LOT smaller than in real life. Seriously. The Chuck is Large and Intimidating. Okay, on with the story. MiniChuck attempted to run its usual path through where the farm is now to the RV under which it lives. What's that you say? Didn't Farmer Gower recently put up a fence to keep MiniChuck from ravaging the veggies? You'd be correct. You should also be glad, after reading that NYT article, that I didn't take more drastic measures, apparently. Anyway, MiniChuck goes to farm. MiniChuck encounters fence. MiniChuck paces back and forth, ponders what the world is coming to. MiniChuck climbs the mulch pile and considers impersonating a flying squirrel to leap into the garden. MiniChuck gives up because Farmer Gower's fence is invincible. That's right. MINI-CHUCK GIVES UP. And eventually goes around the garage and through the back secret passageway to its under-RV home. Never touching the farm.
N said it best. Farmer Gower: 1. MiniChuck: 0. For now anyway.

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 74F
Yesterday's low: 63F
Warnings: The sun might actually shine today.
Mood of the farm: Hotly debating the best design for an arc.
Reason to consider a new career: I don't really think I could drown a squirrel.

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