Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Updates from (and about) the Farm

Well folks, there's been some news. Aside from the fact that the farm is growing (like) weeds faster than anyone can imagine, it turns out the Farm is actually for sale. More specifically, the consumers' house is for sale, and along with it, the farmland. The blog may focus more on my plans to release small rodents into the consumers' house and undo the work of Jim the Critter-Gitter, just at the moment they try to show the house... Okay, seriously. I'll still update the blog until the farm is sold, and I'm still going to do some planting. But the big stuff (tomatoes especially) will find other homes. As you can imagine, I have many Feelings about this situation, but mostly I'm excited for the consumers to get central heat so I can visit them in the winter.

And without further ado, because I have got to get some work done today, here's a whole host of updated photos, including (!!) the salad stuff for my dinner tonight. Last year at this time, we hadn't even had the idea for the Farm yet, and this year dinner is already grown. Amazing.





The Oak Leaf Head Lettuce, and a few carrots I thought hadn't germinated. Really? I couldn't get those things to grow last year no matter what I tried, and now, NOW, they want to grow in the lettuce. Nice.


Strawberry with first blush

More berries

Green beans in one row and a row of surprise seeds for H.

And now for the awesome green onion flowers...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So about that farm...

I am so far behind on farm updates, that these pictures are probably a week old. One day, I will catch up, but in the meantime, rest assured... Stuff is growing. Harvesting will be happening this weekend (lettuce!). And life on the Farm chugs along, especially the weeds I spread in not-fully-heated compost from the neighbor, whether I am there to watch every development or not. Phew!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Gourmet Farm

So, you know those "wild garlic onions" I've mentioned here and there... Yeah. At the shwank Mill City farmers' market yesterday, someone was selling them (for a hefty price, I might add). Turns out, they're ramps. One of the first harvest-able things on any farm (or forest). A really fancy food. Used as a key ingredient in more than one episode of Top Chef. The object of desire for chefs that write for Gourmet magazine. Yep, those ramps. Luckily, I found out just in time for a harvest. Cooking them tonight with the freshly picked Minnesota asparagus available at the St. Paul farmers' market from today (yes, I go to multiple farmers' markets...).

And so as not to be misleading... Here are pictures from the first official spring harvest: a green onion. First, still a little dirty, with the farm dog moving at what appears to be her Standard Spring Speed.

Second, all cleaned up, with the farm dog in a rare pause...

Green Thumb Sunday | Houston, We Have a Problem Edition

Join Green Thumb Sunday

Green Thumb Sunday | Houston, We Have a Problem Edition
(and by "we" I mean Suburban Gardener)

The St. Paul Farmers' Market, amazing though it may be, is completely enabling my Farming habit. I had grand plans for 8 tomato plants, four conventional kinds started from seed, and four heirloom types I was going to try based on what looked good at the farmers' market. Um, yeah. Look what happened. In my defense, most of these belong to Suburban Gardener. But without further ado... Here's the list of tomato plants currently in my window:

Lemon Boy (from seed)
Early Girl (from seed)
Super Sweet 100s (from seed)
Aunt Ruby's Green (from seed)
Yellow Pear (from seed)
Russian Big Roma (from seed)
Black Cherry (from seed)
Gold Medal Yellow (from seed)
Amish Paste
Grandma Oliver's Green
Carolina Gold
Old German
Garden Peach
Yellow Brandywine
Black Prince
Big Rainbow
Bonny Best
Green Zebra

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 57F
Yesterday's low: 41F
Mood of the farm: Settling in amidst a lot of upheaval (details to come...)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

News Flash: Farm Dog Afraid of Puddle

I have NO idea what was happening here, but I could watch this all day. Hilarious.

Also, check out the latest Wando pea development. They found the tomato cage all on their own!

Transplant Day!

It's transplant day!

This afternoon, the following seedlings are going into the ground:
Lettuce heads
Cauliflower? Maybe one--these are tough times

Everything is getting too big for the little peat pots, and the sunflowers are itching for more sun. There's a reason they say not to start sunflower seeds indoors, folks. And CERTAINLY not two months before you want to plant them. Do you know how fast those things grow???

Pictures to follow. Naturally.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Green Thumb Sunday | You Know What This Means

Join Green Thumb Sunday

Green Thumb Sunday | You Know What This Means
I didn't either. But I looked it up, and turns out we will have strawberries this year (knock on wood).