Monday, January 26, 2009

2008 Review | Green Beans

Dates and times
Officially, these are Contender bush snap garden beans, and they were planted like practically everything else on May 24th. The first bean was picked on July 11th, one week before they were scheduled to produce, based on the seed packet.

Keep or Lose?
These plants were pretty small, and I think that's mostly because they needed better soil. Planted in an area of the Farm that had more mulch and old tree stump than soil, it's kind of amazing that they grew as well as they did. That being said, the approximately 8 plants were far too few for 3 eaters who love to eat green beans. I'm going to keep these, same variety and all

,,,Changes for 2009
Way more plants. Possibly 25 might do it, but H really loves green beans, so maybe not... And of course, lots and lots of compost.

Running planting list for 2009
Wando peas
Provider green beans

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tiny Tomato Update

Guys! Two important announcements:

1.) The tiny tomato seeds sprouted a few days ago! (pictures to come) Actually, I forgot I had stored them for warm, dark keeping, and so they were kind of yellow when I remembered. But a little sunlight has greened them right up.

2.) Farmers and snowboarding Do. Not. Mix. Seriously. Proceed with caution, farmers.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2008 Review | Onions

Listen. This post isn't even going to have pictures because the onions weren't really around long enough for photo shoots. They were planted late. As a long shot. Because the Farmer thought she had a little extra space.*

Did the onions sprout? Yes--two thin little green leaves per seed.
Did the leaves grow? Not a chance. One morning I came out to see the 3" long leaves lying flat on the ground, as if sawed off by a mini-chainsaw.

Am I crazy enough to grow them again? Nope. You can buy a bunch of onions for a buck at the farmers' market on my street. I'd rather plant more beans and tomatoes.

Running planting list for 2009
Wando peas
(that list will actually get longer, I swear...)

*[Note: if the Farmer ever says she has "extra space," you should never believe her. I mean ever.]

Saturday, January 17, 2009

2008 Review | Wando Peas

Dates and times
The Wando peas, if you can believe such a thing, we're planted on May 24, and the first pea pod didn't even show up until around July 11th (high temp: 81F) and wasn't ready for eating until late July. A summer pea? I mean, really. Who ever heard of such a thing.

Keep or Lose?
I suppose the good news in all of that is that in the heat of the summer, there was a steady, slow production of peas, and on all but the hottest days, they were extremely sweet and delicious. Sadly, I think we harvested a total of about 18-24 pea pods. No, really. So I think I'm going to stick with the Wando variety again this year with a number of...

,,,Changes for 2009
Many. First of all, the peas are going into the ground early. Super early. And then instead of letting them grow so slowly in the heat of the summer, I'm pulling them out and replacing with green beans, which we all agree that we can't get enough of.

Also, I'm going to stake all the peas, even though it says not to. The peas that weren't staked looked like fine lace by the time June rolled around, and they never produced a pea.

Fun Fact
Minnesota is the largest grower of peas in the U.S.

Running planting list for 2009
Wando peas
(that list will be more fun as it gets longer, I swear...)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Important Announcement

Hard to believe there is an important Farm Announcement on a day where the 8am temp was -24F, windchill -40, but there is.

The Farm is making a reappearance next year! As you can imagine, the Farmer is ecstatic about this news. And the Farm Dog is looking forward to lounging in the sun, or at least she will once she remembers what warm weather feels like. As a break from work, I think I'm going to review last year's crop choices and production and start thinking about changes to make for next year. The Farm Consumers have already put in a request for more green beans, and I couldn't agree more. Lots of exciting changes to make, so stay tuned. Seed catalogs have already been ordered, and I've begun consulting the Farmers' and City Folk Almanac.

I'm so happy about all of this that I'm going to post the kind of picture I despise seeing on all the other gardening blogs I read--the Snow Covered Garden Picture. Ugh! This will be the only one though, I promise.

(What kind of farmer leaves the cages and stakes on the Farm. Really, Farmer. Really.)

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: -4F
Yesterday's low: -16F
Warnings: We haven't been above zero since Monday. No, really.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Farming Start to 2009

Friends of the Farm,
Happy 2009! It's too early to tell what this year will hold for Farming opportunities, but I can't wait to get my new Farmer G Gloves (a birthday gift from the Farm Consumers) dirty. So! It's time to get the tiny plant going. The seeds went in the dirt today.

I am so very skeptical, but I will keep you posted, as always.