Monday, March 29, 2010

Garlic and shallots and ramps, oh my!

Oh yeah, and a farm dog attempting to avoid dry land drowning in the lilies. Because this news is just too exciting to wait for me to get caught up on filling you people of the internets in on the nuts and bolts of the farm these days, I give you a quick view of the Excitement on the farm!

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 51F
Yesterday's low: 34F
Warnings: None! We're solidly in spring mode, and on track to have the first snow-free March in 125 years1
Mood of the farm: Reaching high to find sunshine and warm air


Jean said...

Looking delicious already! Farm dog's face is priceless...

Bravo007 said...

great blog

Bravo007 said...

great blog