Monday, June 9, 2008

A Contest

I'm not sure what the cause is, exactly, but there are 5 random, unidentified plants growing in the garden that seem to have vegetable potential. Since I didn't plant them, I have no idea where they came from or what they are. A short review of my supply of farmer blogs suggests the most charitable name for these visitors are "volunteers."

My best guess is that they arrived courtesy of the neighbor's compost or the garden that used to grow in that area a long time ago. Either way, I'm going to let them grow at least until they reveal what kind of plant they are. So in the meantime, I thought I'd start a little contest. Throw out your best guess of what each of these plants might be (in the comments), and whoever guesses the most right gets some veggies from the farm. As you can see, some of them look rougher than others because they decided to grow right in the middle of the farmer path, but I'm trying to be careful. So without further ado, introducing...

Volunteer #1

Volunteer #2

Volunteer #3

Volunteer #4

Volunteer #5

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 77F
Yesterday's low: 58F
Warnings: sun!
Mood of the farm: productive, as in producing actual lettuce leaves
Reason to consider a new career: woeful inadequacies in the plant identification department


Anonymous said...

1,2, and 5 are all the same thing, I'm not convinced is more than a weed. 3 and 4 are the same weed I would bet, and believe I have a couple additional in my garden if you are interested. Although I believe it call all be treated as "greenery" and eaten like lettuce, depending on how hungry you are and how well other things in the garden grow

Farmer G said...

I'd bet 3 and 4 are probably weeds too, but I'm not sold on 1, 2, and 5. They look suspiciously like other things planted in the garden...

And for anyone else guessing, I'm not sure that 1 is the same as 2 and 5. Hard to see in the picture, but the leaves have a different texture...

And suburban gardener, thanks for the generous offer, but I have enough "greenery" of my own, I think...

Anonymous said...

I say even if they are "something"...they'll have to do. The Inn is too crowded.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Suburban Gardener. Even if the leaves seem like a different texture, the leaf structure (especially with the pair of similar leaves with the maple looking leaf coming out the top) is so unusual that they would have to be the same thing.

p.s. That was a mighty good looking pie you made

Farmer G said...

Ooh! A debate. Excellent! I will post updated volunteer pictures soon, once they grow a little bit more. Maybe that will help clarify...

Time will tell, as they say.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing they are maple trees.