Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MiniChuck's Surprise Eye View of the Farm

In case you were wondering just how much this Farmer loves routines, I was halfway through eating my Honey Bunches of Oats with farmers' market raspberries and writing this Farm update before I realized I told you yesterday MiniChuck didn't have any new views of the Farm. Well, what can I say? I love a good routine.

So here's the Farm. See what I mean about how empty it's getting? The zucchini will probably get pulled this weekend. And, because I realized yesterday just how sad I'm going to be when I have to go back to buying boring, tasteless, winter produce from the grocery store (really sad!), I think I'm going to pull all the carrots this weekend, and then blanch and freeze them. I'm also reading up on ways to save cherry tomatoes. I mean, not that we have very many or anything, but you know... I have too many Farmer Worries about canning to go that route, so only freezer-related preserving methods are on the table. Also, the basil is getting pulled and preserved in some yet to be determined ratio of drying and freezing (after being processed with olive oil) this weekend. Did I mention how cold it's getting here (look at the low below)??

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 69F
Yesterday's low: 39F
Warnings: Um, did you see that 39F ????
Mood of the farm: Freezing, almost literally.
Reason to consider a new career: Nope. Still ecstatic about my real career.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I'm happy to see that "routines" is a frequently used label on this site. Having a good routine makes everything more... predictable. Also, love the MG plant.