Sunday, May 25, 2008

Welcome to adventures in farming!

Hello hello.

Some of you may have heard by now that one of my lifetime dreams, in a long list that includes ambitions such as: "cuttin' hair lady" (circa 1981), Vanity Fair pajama model (circa 1984), and professional beer carrier (circa 1986), has finally come true. I have my own vegetable garden! And since we live in the world we live in, I thought what better way to bore you with every single detail than to start a blog.

So! Here you will find the chronicles of my adventures in farming. I have a feeling there will be many trials and tribulations, but hopefully also some victories, and if we're really lucky, some vegetables. I plan to use as many farmer-ish phases, such as "under threat of rain" and "while riding my tractor," as often as possible. Maybe I'll be so good at slipping them in that you won't even notice. No matter what, there will be science in action, and that is a project I can get behind.

Comment away, whether to tell me I'm doing something right, or more likely, to mention that I'm about to wreck the whole thing. If you're signaling the garden apocalypse though, at least leave a suggestion or two for how to avoid it. Let me be clear: I have no idea what I'm doing.

Stay tuned for updates on Important Matters, such as: how I managed to find a garden, what's been planted so far, current puzzles and burning questions, etc.

Yesterday's High: 72F
Yesterday's Low: 48F
Current Alerts: Tornado Watch
Mood of the garden: grouchy, especially on the part of the tomato plants in regards to: being transplanted into a new place, experiencing wind for the first time, and being away from Maisy
Mood of the farmer: ecstatic


Aimee said...


Congrats, Farmer Friend...look forward to seeing how your garden grows!

H.Maxwell said...

We think your tractor's sexy!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that I call you a "garden angel" ....where a patch of weeds once lay, now beautiful tilled rows of dirt emerged!