Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's a Baby Watermelon!

Folks, growing watermelons has given this Farmer more than one grey hair. First, there was the time when Maisy practically killed all the plants while defending her farm, then there was the time I stepped on a little growing watermelon and crushed it, then there was the time I spent almost an hour on hold with Linder's trying to find out just what kind of watermelons I was growing (to no avail), and then there was the time that I asked Archie his opinion and he looked momentarily stumped. But once again, my bff Archie was right! After thinking for a minute, he guessed I was probably just growing little mini watermelons. Today, I thought maybe one of those miniMelons was getting close to ready, so I called on N, who has a legendary ability to thump watermelons and know if they're ripe or not, to check into the situation. She hopped into the farm, gave the watermelon a thump, and professed it ready for eating.

I was so overcome with excitement that I forgot to take a picture of it before we cut into it, but you can see it in the picture below, bottom left. Luckily, I got my wits back about me once N made the first cut, which was quite eventful. It kind of exploded open after she barely touched it with the knife.

Here's what it looked like, perfectly ripe as N divined:

And I can tell you it tasted delicious!

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 71F
Yesterday's low: 47F
Warnings: Cold and crappy weather tomorrow.
Mood of the farm: Getting lonely as one by one the bounty gets removed.
Reason to consider a new career: If only I could farm in the summer and research in the winter...


Anonymous said...

why can't you??

Rosemary said...

looks yummy

Anonymous said...

once again I am left in the dust...amn