Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Slight Change to the Growing Schedule

So I fessed up here recently that I planted lettuce seeds in an attempt at a "fall crop." It was kind of late, since the frost comes early here in the tundra, but I thought the Farm was looking a little empty (no, really. It's almost completely empty except for the tomatoes and watermelons) so why not give it a shot. I planted the salad mix lettuce seeds from the spring--a good variety with at least some types that thrived in the important temperature range. Well, bad news, folks. That dirt isn't growing a single thing. Actually, it is growing a number of weeds in the vicinity of where I planted the seeds, but not actually where I planted them... A little google searching suggests that lettuce seeds don't last too long (see--I wasn't completely wrong about the "bad seed packet" thing...), so maybe that's the deal. Should you have any additional suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments!

Luckily, however, I seem to be growing something new of the Farm that I didn't plant. It seems to be some kind of cross/hybrid thing, but I can't really tell fully what kind of cross...

Okay, actually, it's a Maisy plant. But she was so proud of herself for getting all wrapped up in there (that I didn't manage to capture on camera, sadly), that I had to post the pic.

I think maybe she was using the sick tomato plants as camouflage while spying on Rosa... Anyway, since there's not really much new on the farm since last week for a MiniChuck's Eye View, I thought I'd at least give you this.

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 63F
Yesterday's low: 49F
Warnings: It's really cold, folks...
Mood of the farm: Gearing up to grow fast during possibly the last warm spell at the end of this week.
Reason to consider a new career: None. I'm ecstatic with my career today!


Anonymous said...

I miss the dog! I miss the dog! And those tasty tiny pickle-cukes. The season is winding down here too and the pickle-cukes have been replaced by gross Fall things like squash. Sick. Boo.

-Anonymous K

H.Maxwell said...

Rosa will not be detered by the camo. She is so ready for her Oktoberfest extravaganza!!!

Anonymous said...

what a cute dog sis love you bunches