Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Important Announcement

Hard to believe there is an important Farm Announcement on a day where the 8am temp was -24F, windchill -40, but there is.

The Farm is making a reappearance next year! As you can imagine, the Farmer is ecstatic about this news. And the Farm Dog is looking forward to lounging in the sun, or at least she will once she remembers what warm weather feels like. As a break from work, I think I'm going to review last year's crop choices and production and start thinking about changes to make for next year. The Farm Consumers have already put in a request for more green beans, and I couldn't agree more. Lots of exciting changes to make, so stay tuned. Seed catalogs have already been ordered, and I've begun consulting the Farmers' and City Folk Almanac.

I'm so happy about all of this that I'm going to post the kind of picture I despise seeing on all the other gardening blogs I read--the Snow Covered Garden Picture. Ugh! This will be the only one though, I promise.

(What kind of farmer leaves the cages and stakes on the Farm. Really, Farmer. Really.)

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: -4F
Yesterday's low: -16F
Warnings: We haven't been above zero since Monday. No, really.

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