Sunday, January 18, 2009

2008 Review | Onions

Listen. This post isn't even going to have pictures because the onions weren't really around long enough for photo shoots. They were planted late. As a long shot. Because the Farmer thought she had a little extra space.*

Did the onions sprout? Yes--two thin little green leaves per seed.
Did the leaves grow? Not a chance. One morning I came out to see the 3" long leaves lying flat on the ground, as if sawed off by a mini-chainsaw.

Am I crazy enough to grow them again? Nope. You can buy a bunch of onions for a buck at the farmers' market on my street. I'd rather plant more beans and tomatoes.

Running planting list for 2009
Wando peas
(that list will actually get longer, I swear...)

*[Note: if the Farmer ever says she has "extra space," you should never believe her. I mean ever.]


Aimee said...

I like how you're doing this review's like one of those TV series that only play in the summer, when all the other shows aren't on.

H.Maxwell said...

please note this post was pre-snowboard accident. I'm just saying a charlie horse crampin boarder could most def not write this post from the kitchen floor. i'm just sayin.