Friday, March 20, 2009

It's the First Day of Spring...

...the Obamas are planting a garden on the White House lawn, and it's snowing here in the tundra.

Luckily, the seedlings haven't noticed much. Here's an update!

It's hard to get the camera to focus on tiny rainbow chard seedlings, so I highlighted them for you. (click for a better view)

Cauliflower seedlings all in a row. Note how my labeling strategy has improved astronomically since Tomatofiasco 2008...

The Green Oakleaf Lettuce looks healthy

Don't blink or you'll miss the Romaine lettuce. It's there. I swear.

And finally, from the world's best spring care package, and directly from Massachusetts, my next weekend planting project!

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 37F
Yesterday's low: 20F
Warnings: Just because the calendar says spring doesn't mean you should start growing immediately if you are a strawberry plant, fyi.

1 comment:

Cake said...

That's so exciting! Someone must like you very much to send you snap dragons since I know how much you like them. Lucky girl!