Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fair Report Part 1

So many thing happened at the Great Minnesota Get Together (aka Minnesota State Fair), I'm going to have to spread them out over two posts. Seriously people, it was amazing. Below are the Most Exciting parts of the Fair.

1.) Getting my picture on this tractor. You might think I look upset, but I'm not. That's just a face farmers make. If you haven't noticed by reading this blog already, farming involves furrowed brows. Furrowed brows from worrying about your crops, worrying about whether there will be bounty or shortage, worrying about pests, insects, and those damn squash vine borers, and a million other Worries. Farmers, I feel confident, have many Farmer Wrinkles.

2.) PEOPLE, I SAW ANIMALS BEING BORN! This, as I posted about last weekend, was my number one goal at the State Fair this year. And if I didn't see any animals arrive in the Miracle of Birth center, I was going to be very upset about it. Well not to worry, because I saw three piglets arrive into the world, and then two of them almost got killed when the mama pig laid down on top of them. Much squealing ensued, six people jumped into the farrowing pen and lifted the back end of the mama up, and the piglets were rescued. It was the life cycle from both sides. Also, in case you were wondering, the first three piglets popped into the world of their own accord, then I went and ate Big Fat Bacon (ironic, I know) and wandered around the agricultural building while 6 more piglets arrived, and then I came back in time to see a veterinarian, um, "pull a pig" as she explained that it's called, which is exactly what it sounds like, and the placenta came with it. All in all, I think I saw a lot of the process, so I'm a happy farmer. Though I do think I might peek in on my other trip to the farm just in case a cow is in labor...

Here are 8 of the piglets trying to get some dinner (the older ones are WAY more successful than the younger ones, who still think you can get food from your sibling's ear).

Oh, and in case you don't care in the slightest about the state fair (really? you people exist?), here's what I harvested this morning! And yes, that's the giant sized yogurt container for perspective...

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 79F
Yesterday's low: 47F
Warnings: The days feel like summer, but the nights feel like fall.
Mood of the farm: Wondering if the farmer has any sleeping bags available
Reason to consider a new career: None. I am considering entering any future things I might grow into the state fair...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah! I just laughed out loud at your pig birthing story and Big Fat Bacon eating. Sadly, my Spanish is not good enough to sufficiently explain the humor of your post to my co_workers here in Guatemala. They were mightily impressed with your tractor portrait however. Looking forward to future State Fair posts...

From your not-dead-in-a-plane-crash-pal