Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Herb Reports Are Overrated Because It's Almost Harvest Day!

Alright, I've been promising an herb report for ages, but I am way more excited that today is the first Harvest Day! Lettuce and spinach will be emerging from the garden and onto a salad plate near you (or near me, at least!). It's the best day of the Farm so far. I'll of course have copious amounts of photographic evidence.

But in the meantime, here is a picture of some of the herbs so I haven't completely broken my promise to you people of the internets. The latest update is that cilantro is a big tease, and not the good kind. Just when the weather makes me want to eat cilantro at every meal, the cilantro plants bolted! Who wants to eat coriander, anyway? Lame.

Farm Vitals
Yesterday's high: 87F
Yesterday's low: 62F
Warnings: The grass pollen is kickin'.
Mood of the farm: Probably a little nervous that I'm so excited about getting near it with scissors.
Reason to consider a new career: None. Reason to go into farming however, is the unrestrained joy I felt upon hearing these words, "Well, it's only 2 or 3 acres, but you'd get to drive the tractor and the tiller if you want to." (!!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps you should taunt the cilantro by putting the other herbs near, or use steroids to get it to grow larger. But, as an aside, I believe it is just slower growing than the other herbs. Just think, while you are on the tractor with gps, you could dictate your thesis, then have your secretary type it later